Архив: Courses
Приспособяване на хората с аутизъм към процесите и дейностите
Introduction Because of their attention to detail, ability to concentrate, and creative thinking skills, people with autism make valuable employees. As it is clearly explained in a study of UDS Foundation (2019) they excel at completing repetitive tasks and doing research, and typically stick with a job once they’re hired. However, some employers are hesitant …
Приспособяване на хората с аутизъм към процесите и дейностите Read More »
Насърчаване и оценяване на организационната достъпност за хора с аутизъм
Introduction People with autism currently face barriers to participation in community life due to a lack of autism friendly environments including across schools, workplaces, and public spaces, such as train stations, hospitals and airports (Amaze, 2018). As underlined in a study of Autism Speaks (2018) inclusion is about offering the same activities in an organization …
Насърчаване и оценяване на организационната достъпност за хора с аутизъм Read More »
Насърчаване на взаимодействието между служители с аутизъм и служители без аутизъм
Introduction Employee engagement is a critical driver of business success. High levels of engagement foster customer loyalty, retention of talent, and improve organisational performance. It is important also to consider that in the face of the increasing use of tools and automation, employers may lose sight of the importance of human interaction to improve employee …
Насърчаване на взаимодействието между служители с аутизъм и служители без аутизъм Read More »
Равни възможности и интеграция на работниците с аутизъм
“Autism can’t define me, I define autism.” Introduction Welcome to the third module of the course! Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that is characterized by differences in social communication and social interaction and by repetitive patterns displayed in behavior or interests. Autistic people can have a good mental health, or experience mental …
Равни възможности и интеграция на работниците с аутизъм Read More »
Процеси и стъпки за превръщане на организацията в приятелски настроена към аутизма
Autism means I miss what others catch,and catch what others miss’’ Introduction Welcome to the second module of the course! Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that is characterized by deficits in social communication and social interaction and by repetitive patterns displayed in behavior or interests. Autistic people can have a good mental …
Процеси и стъпки за превръщане на организацията в приятелски настроена към аутизма Read More »
Екологични и поведенчески аспекти на работното място
““What makes a child gifted and talented may not always begood grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning.” Introduction Welcome to the first module of the course! Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that is characterized by deficits in social communication and social interaction and by repetitive …
Екологични и поведенчески аспекти на работното място Read More »
Организиране и приоритизиране на задачите в работата
Introduction Welcome to the sixth module of the course! In this module you will gain knowledge about organisation and prioritisation of tasks when you are at work. It might be challenging to know when and how to organise and prioritise your tasks. Therefore, this is the main focus in this module. Furthermore, we will look …
Организиране и приоритизиране на задачите в работата Read More »
Аутизъм и техники за управление на времето
Introduction Autistic people are likely to require assistance in developing a wide range of skills for their personal lives that enable them to be independent and support their ability to work, such as: budgeting, banking, paying bills, personal care and hygiene skills, cleaning, cooking and household maintenance skills, using public transport, problem-solving and time management …
Управление на стреса, тревожността и разочарованието
Introduction Many autistic people can experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety within work, and if left unmanaged this can lead to longer term complications and time off work (National Autistic Society, 2017). The following module offers some simple strategies that may help autistic employees to feel well supported within work, and to manage their …
Управление на стреса, тревожността и разочарованието Read More »
Подобряване на социалната комуникация, взаимодействието и уменията за работа с различни задачи
Introduction Communication can be a challenge in the workplace and a very hard task. Module 3 will provide you information on communication in the workplace. You have the ability to question, argue and ask for help as employees and this module will give you the opportunity to explore and expand your communication and interaction skills …
Основи на бизнес организацията
Introduction Welcome to the second module of this course! In this module you will be presented with the essentials of a business organisation. Organisations come in many different sizes and have different structures. This means that there is not one definition of how organisations are structured. There are a variety of definitions of an organisation. …
Запознаване с възможностите за работа и потенциала за по-добро приобщаване
Introduction Welcome to the first module of this course! This module will provide you with an introduction to a workplace and the potentialities for a better inclusion in the workplace. Workplaces have several ways of organising themselves and how they deal with topics such as inclusion, notion of disclosure and support of people with autism. …
Запознаване с възможностите за работа и потенциала за по-добро приобщаване Read More »