About WIN-WITH-U project
Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism (WIN-WITH-U) project

WIN-WITH-U is a Erasmus+ project, which aims to improve the inclusion of people on the autism spectrum in the working system. This will be achieved by raising the employers’ awareness about the issue through provision of targeted training and by supporting people on the spectrum in their job-searching process towards employment. The basic principle of WIN-WITH-U project is to turn their special characteristics to better account, not only to break the entry barriers to the working world, but also to consider them as a basis to build a firm competitive advantage.
Thus, autistic people can find not just a job but the right job.
The following outputs will be developed:

WIN-WITH-U results

Training path 1
Autistic people
Training modules to support people on the spectrum on their way to the right job.

Training Path 1
This module will provide you with an introduction to a workplace and the potentialities for a better inclusion in the workplace.
- 2 Quizzes
- 6 Topics

Training Path 1
In this module you will be presented with the essentials of a business organisation.
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training Path 1
Communication can be a challenge in the workplace and a very hard task. Module 3 will provide you information on communication in the workplace.
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training Path 1
Many autistic people can experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety within work, and if left unmanaged this can lead to longer term complications and time off work
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training Path 1
Autistic people are likely to require assistance in developing a wide range of skills for their personal lives that enable them to be independent and support their ability to work.
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training Path 1
In this module you will gain knowledge about organisation and prioritisation of tasks when you are at work.
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training path 2
Entrepreneurs/managers and their teams
Training modules to support employers on providing a welcoming workplace to people on the spectrum.

Training Path 2
The goal of this module is to explore the environmental and behavioural aspects in the workplace.
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training Path 2
The goal of this module is to explore the environmental and behavioural aspects in the workplace.
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training Path 2
The goal of this module is to explore the environmental and behavioural aspects in the workplace.
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training Path 2
Employee engagement is a critical driver of business success.
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training Path 2
People with autism currently face barriers to participation in community life due to a lack of autism friendly environments including across schools, workplaces, and public spaces, such as train stations, hospitals and airports (Amaze, 2018).
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Training Path 2
Because of their attention to detail, ability to concentrate, and creative thinking skills, people with autism make valuable employees
- 2 Quizzes
- 3 Topics

Autism-Europe (AE) is organising its WIN-WITH-U Erasmus+ project multiplier event on 24 May 2023. It will be part of a side-conference to the European Parliament for People with Disabilities (EPPD) event on 23 May in Brussels.

Third partner meeting under Erasmus+ WIN-WITH-U project
The 13th Autism-Europe International
Congress took place between October 7 and 9th 2022, in the historical city of Cracow (Poland). Under the theme “A happy journey through life”, the congress welcomed over 1,300 people from all over the world.

A happy journey through life
On April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD). On that occasion all other partners of the Erasmus+ project WIN-WITH-U join their fellow stakeholder Autism-Europe in an awareness raising campaign with its member organisations dedicated to “A happy journey through life”.

Second Project Meeting in Brussels, Belgium
The second project meeting within the project “Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” – WIN-WITH-U, Project No 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079826 was held in Brussels, Belgium on 24.03.2022 and 24.03.2022.

Face To Face Meeting 2
The second project meeting within the project “Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” – WIN-WITH-U, Project No 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079826 was held in Brussels, Belgium on 24.03.2022 and 24.03.2022.

WIN-WITH-U First Face-To-Face Project Meeting
The first face-to-face meeting within the project was held in Rome, Italy on 04.10.2021 and 05.10.2021. It was hosted by the LUISS Business school. The WIN-WITH-U partners met for the first time after the COVID-
19 pandemic started.

Face To Face Meeting 1
The first project meeting within the project “Workplace Inclusion and employment opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” – WIN-WITH-U, Project No 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079626 was held in Rome, Italy on 04.10.2021 and 05.10.2021. The meeting was hosted by the LUISS Business school.19 pandemic started.

The project “Workplace Inclusion and
employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” WIN-WITH-U (ref. no 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079826) is implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme, KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education.

Project kick-off meeting
On 27th January 2021, the kick-off meeting of the project “Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” – WIN-WITH-U, Project No 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079826 was held online due to the complicated Covid-19 situation in the partner countries.
Win With You


Why fit in when you are born to stand out.