Project News 2

The first face-to-face project meeting within the project “Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” – WIN-WITH-U, Project No 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079626 was held in Rome, Italy on 04.10.2021 and 05.10.2021. The meeting was hosted by the LUISS Business school. 

During the meeting, an overview of the task list consisting of the conducted activities since the kick-off meeting was made. All participants had the opportunity to present, discuss and analyze the results from the development of IO1: WIN-WITH-U learning methodology. The IO1 leader, Universita Campus Bio Medico di Roma, presented the results of the online survey for employers, young people with autism, and caregivers conducted in all partner countries.

The partners continued with an introduction to the overall framework for implementation of IO2: WIN-WITH-U resources and learning integrated area and discussions. The progress on the website elaboration was also presented and the structure, content, and different segments were briefly discussed.

The second day of the meeting continued with an overview of IO3: WIN-WITH-U learning content. During the meeting, important decisions on the modules and their distribution among project partners according to their areas of expertise were made.

Overall, the meeting was very productive and touched upon the most important topics concerning the WIN-WITH-U partnership. According to the new onsite project meetings schedule, that was agreed by the consortium, the next face-to-face meeting will be held in Belgium in March 2022.

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