The second project meeting within the project “Workplace Inclusion and employmeNt opportunities for youth WITH aUtism” – WIN-WITH-U, Project No 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079826 was held in Brussels, Belgium on 24.03.2022 and 24.03.2022. The meeting was hosted by Autisme-Europe, Belgium, and was attended by 12 participants representing all partner organisations.

The meeting began with an overview and finalization of IO1 WIN-WITH-U LEARNING METHODOLOGY, the consolidation of the final document. The meeting continued with the final version of the report about ASD surveys and a discussion on the effective availability of all five successful inclusion cases prepared by the partnership.

During the meeting, a demo version of the IO2 RESOURCES AND LEARNING INTEGRATED AREA was presented by the ECQ team, and valuable feedback on further developments was received. The partners have already started the development of the training content (IO3 of the project) and during the meeting, they had a chance to discuss the extended abstract, summary, and sources that will be used for each of the 12 learning modules.

The progress on the website elaboration which is under the responsibility of the ECQ team was also presented and the structure, content, and different segments were briefly discussed.

Overall, the meeting was very productive and touched upon the most important topics concerning the further developments of the WIN-WITH-U products. The next transnational meeting was set to take place at the end of August 2022 in Denmark.  

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